Cigna Branding &
Marketing Campaign
Cigna Branding &
Marketing Campaign
Generated 20x Click-thru and 5x Conversion
Generated 20x Click-thru and 5x Conversion
Generated 20x Click-thru and 5x Conversion
Generated 20x Click-thru and 5x Conversion
Cigna Healthcare Singapore
Cigna Healthcare Singapore
Cigna Healthcare Singapore
Content Strategy
Content Strategy
Marketing Campaign
Marketing Campaign
Website Design
Website Design
Social Media
Social Media
Video Production
Video Production
Research & Analysis
Research & Analysis
Cigna Healthcare Singapore
Content Strategy
Marketing Campaign
Website Design
Social Media
Video Production
Research & Analysis

To execute the campaign to the client’s satisfaction, we were required to:
To execute the campaign to the client’s satisfaction, we were required to:
Be thoroughly familiar with their products, partners, and target audiences so that we can accurately match different unique selling points to different groups in their respective campaigns
Be thoroughly familiar with their products, partners, and target audiences so that we can accurately match different unique selling points to different groups in their respective campaigns
Be thoroughly familiar with their products, partners, and target audiences so that we can accurately match different unique selling points to different groups in their respective campaigns
Maintain an overall sense of cohesion across various campaign subgroups for different target audiences, while also ensuring that each are unique enough to appeal specifically to that group’s needs
Maintain an overall sense of cohesion across various campaign subgroups for different target audiences, while also ensuring that each are unique enough to appeal specifically to that group’s needs
Maintain an overall sense of cohesion across various campaign subgroups for different target audiences, while also ensuring that each are unique enough to appeal specifically to that group’s needs
Create a seamless digital campaign flow spanning multiple platforms that will keep the brand story and values consistent and impactful throughout
Create a seamless digital campaign flow spanning multiple platforms that will keep the brand story and values consistent and impactful throughout
Create a seamless digital campaign flow spanning multiple platforms that will keep the brand story and values consistent and impactful throughout
What We Did & Results
What We Did & Results
What We Did & Results
Research & Analysis
Research & Analysis
Along with the client’s resources about their products and values, we found it necessary to conduct our own research and analysis to better understand the industry and its consumers before embarking on the campaign.
Along with the client’s resources about their products and values, we found it necessary to conduct our own research and analysis to better understand the industry and its consumers before embarking on the campaign.
Along with the client’s resources about their products and values, we found it necessary to conduct our own research and analysis to better understand the industry and its consumers before embarking on the campaign.
Along with the client’s resources about their products and values, we found it necessary to conduct our own research and analysis to better understand the industry and its consumers before embarking on the campaign.
After conducting an in-depth user persona research, we were able to compile details on each group’s background, objectives, and challenges, before deriving the questions, content, and product needs that they may have
After conducting an in-depth user persona research, we were able to compile details on each group’s background, objectives, and challenges, before deriving the questions, content, and product needs that they may have
After conducting an in-depth user persona research, we were able to compile details on each group’s background, objectives, and challenges, before deriving the questions, content, and product needs that they may have
Further market research was done to help ensure that the campaign will stand out and be effective in drawing in our target audience, such as determining the best ad platforms and key points of focus
Further market research was done to help ensure that the campaign will stand out and be effective in drawing in our target audience, such as determining the best ad platforms and key points of focus
Further market research was done to help ensure that the campaign will stand out and be effective in drawing in our target audience, such as determining the best ad platforms and key points of focus

Content Strategy & Marketing
Content Strategy & Marketing
With a solid understanding of what is lacking in the industry, we set out to conceptualise the content strategy using a series of key focus points:
With a solid understanding of what is lacking in the industry, we set out to conceptualise the content strategy using a series of key focus points:
With a solid understanding of what is lacking in the industry, we set out to conceptualise the content strategy using a series of key focus points:
With a solid understanding of what is lacking in the industry, we set out to conceptualise the content strategy using a series of key focus points:
To bridge the gap of health and wellness across both professional and personal lives, we came up with the theme of ‘Duality’, allowing us to position the client as a partner who is fully committed to working with them at every step of the way
To bridge the gap of health and wellness across both professional and personal lives, we came up with the theme of ‘Duality’, allowing us to position the client as a partner who is fully committed to working with them at every step of the way
To bridge the gap of health and wellness across both professional and personal lives, we came up with the theme of ‘Duality’, allowing us to position the client as a partner who is fully committed to working with them at every step of the way
The two main brand colours are used in the key visuals to further reinforce the duality between work and life, which reinforces brand identity and recall
The two main brand colours are used in the key visuals to further reinforce the duality between work and life, which reinforces brand identity and recall
The two main brand colours are used in the key visuals to further reinforce the duality between work and life, which reinforces brand identity and recall
The colour combination also adds on to the overall emotional perception of the campaign creatives
The colour combination also adds on to the overall emotional perception of the campaign creatives
The colour combination also adds on to the overall emotional perception of the campaign creatives

Social Media/GDN Campaigns & Optimisation
Social Media/GDN Campaigns & Optimisation
The first step in the campaign user journey involves the creation and distribution of ads. These served as the primary touchpoints for our target audience, so each asset and caption were meticulously crafted to be engaging and attractive for its target audience group.
The first step in the campaign user journey involves the creation and distribution of ads. These served as the primary touchpoints for our target audience, so each asset and caption were meticulously crafted to be engaging and attractive for its target audience group.
The first step in the campaign user journey involves the creation and distribution of ads. These served as the primary touchpoints for our target audience, so each asset and caption were meticulously crafted to be engaging and attractive for its target audience group.
The first step in the campaign user journey involves the creation and distribution of ads. These served as the primary touchpoints for our target audience, so each asset and caption were meticulously crafted to be engaging and attractive for its target audience group.
The ads were designed with long-term optimisation in mind, which meant disseminating them in various formats, ranging from GDN web banners to LinkedIn carousel and video ads
The ads were designed with long-term optimisation in mind, which meant disseminating them in various formats, ranging from GDN web banners to LinkedIn carousel and video ads
The ads were designed with long-term optimisation in mind, which meant disseminating them in various formats, ranging from GDN web banners to LinkedIn carousel and video ads
Once published, they were monitored across all platforms and all 4 of the campaign’s target audience groups
Once published, they were monitored across all platforms and all 4 of the campaign’s target audience groups
Once published, they were monitored across all platforms and all 4 of the campaign’s target audience groups
This provided us with detailed, precise data that allowed us to continually maintain the campaign by tweaking its creative, content, touchpoints, and budget allocation over time
This provided us with detailed, precise data that allowed us to continually maintain the campaign by tweaking its creative, content, touchpoints, and budget allocation over time
This provided us with detailed, precise data that allowed us to continually maintain the campaign by tweaking its creative, content, touchpoints, and budget allocation over time

Video Production
Video Production
One of the key parts of this branding campaign was the production of a brand video for the client that was also used for the ad campaign. This video captured the concepts and values that served as the foundation for the overall campaign.
One of the key parts of this branding campaign was the production of a brand video for the client that was also used for the ad campaign. This video captured the concepts and values that served as the foundation for the overall campaign.
One of the key parts of this branding campaign was the production of a brand video for the client that was also used for the ad campaign. This video captured the concepts and values that served as the foundation for the overall campaign.
One of the key parts of this branding campaign was the production of a brand video for the client that was also used for the ad campaign. This video captured the concepts and values that served as the foundation for the overall campaign.
We started off with a storyboard proposal depicting the key direction of the video, along with suggested text and voiceover content
We started off with a storyboard proposal depicting the key direction of the video, along with suggested text and voiceover content
We started off with a storyboard proposal depicting the key direction of the video, along with suggested text and voiceover content
Following the client’s approval, we finalised the script and sourced a suitable voiceover artist, directing them to match the video style
Following the client’s approval, we finalised the script and sourced a suitable voiceover artist, directing them to match the video style
Following the client’s approval, we finalised the script and sourced a suitable voiceover artist, directing them to match the video style
The video production and final edits pulled together these separate elements to form a cohesive brand video
The video production and final edits pulled together these separate elements to form a cohesive brand video
The video production and final edits pulled together these separate elements to form a cohesive brand video
Website Design & Development
Website Design & Development
From the ads’ CTAs, audiences were directed to 1 of the 4 main landing pages that were created for their group.
From the ads’ CTAs, audiences were directed to 1 of the 4 main landing pages that were created for their group.
From the ads’ CTAs, audiences were directed to 1 of the 4 main landing pages that were created for their group.
From the ads’ CTAs, audiences were directed to 1 of the 4 main landing pages that were created for their group.
For instance, a generic landing page was created for new broker partners and those unfamiliar with Cigna. It is designed to provide a quick overview of available products, with links to more detailed pages of the products that they are interested in
For instance, a generic landing page was created for new broker partners and those unfamiliar with Cigna. It is designed to provide a quick overview of available products, with links to more detailed pages of the products that they are interested in
For instance, a generic landing page was created for new broker partners and those unfamiliar with Cigna. It is designed to provide a quick overview of available products, with links to more detailed pages of the products that they are interested in
The other 3 pages were specifically targeted at those from MNCs, SMEs, and start-up businesses. They offer a more detailed look at products that are most relevant for each of these groups
The other 3 pages were specifically targeted at those from MNCs, SMEs, and start-up businesses. They offer a more detailed look at products that are most relevant for each of these groups
The other 3 pages were specifically targeted at those from MNCs, SMEs, and start-up businesses. They offer a more detailed look at products that are most relevant for each of these groups
We also kept the visual design of these pages in line with the client’s main website to boost brand recall
We also kept the visual design of these pages in line with the client’s main website to boost brand recall
We also kept the visual design of these pages in line with the client’s main website to boost brand recall

Analytics & Reporting
Analytics & Reporting
Over regular intervals throughout the campaign, we kept an eye on the performance of the different ads.
Over regular intervals throughout the campaign, we kept an eye on the performance of the different ads.
Over regular intervals throughout the campaign, we kept an eye on the performance of the different ads.
Over regular intervals throughout the campaign, we kept an eye on the performance of the different ads.
The collected data enabled us to identify the things that were working and things that were not, including the cost-per-click (CPC), audience demographic distribution, number of impressions, interactions, conversion rates, and more
The collected data enabled us to identify the things that were working and things that were not, including the cost-per-click (CPC), audience demographic distribution, number of impressions, interactions, conversion rates, and more
The collected data enabled us to identify the things that were working and things that were not, including the cost-per-click (CPC), audience demographic distribution, number of impressions, interactions, conversion rates, and more
Not only did this allow us propose suggested improvements to optimise our campaign and expenditure, it also provided the client with a deeper understanding of their own consumers for future branding purposes
Not only did this allow us propose suggested improvements to optimise our campaign and expenditure, it also provided the client with a deeper understanding of their own consumers for future branding purposes
Not only did this allow us propose suggested improvements to optimise our campaign and expenditure, it also provided the client with a deeper understanding of their own consumers for future branding purposes